- Product Description **FAQ about wall mount pc chassis 408T** **1. What are the advantages of the Wall Mount PC Case 408T compared to other PC cases? ** The wall mount pc chassis 408T is designed with both functionality and aesthetics in mind. Its sleek, modern design lets you display your components while saving space. Ena od njegovih izstopajočih lastnosti je notranja barva, ki je obložena z razpršilcem, ki ne samo poveča celoten videz, ampak tudi ščiti pred praskami in prepiri. To pomeni vaš primer ...
- Opis izdelka ** Stensko nameščeno računalniško podvozje: Nesoljene junake robotske avtomatizacije in IoT industrije ** Roboti plešejo in pripomočki Humu na tehnološkem odru, vendar obstaja en nezahtevni junak: stenski primer osebnega računalnika. Predstavljajte si to: eleganten, varčen dizajn, ki se oprime stene kot zvest hišni ljubljenček, pripravljen služiti avtomatizaciji strojev in industriji interneta stvari (IoT). To je kot švicarski vojaški nož tehnologije, toda namesto odpirača steklenic ima pristanišča, hladilni ventilator, ...
- Product Description Introducing our latest innovation in server management: 19″ thick server chassis rails designed for 1U long box linear friction slides. In the ever-evolving world of technology, having reliable and efficient server components is essential to maintaining optimal performance. Engineered to provide excellent support and stability, our server chassis rails ensure your server equipment is securely mounted and easily accessible. Izdelani iz premium materialov, ti strežnik ...
- Opis izdelka ** Pogoste težave z drsnimi tirnicami, ki nosijo visoko obremenitev ** 1. ** Kaj je diapozitiv strežnika? ** Server rails are hardware components used to support and facilitate the installation of servers in racks. They enable servers to slide smoothly in and out of the rack, allowing easy access to the server. 2. What does “high load-bearing capacity” mean? High weight capacity means that the rails can support heavier servers without compromising stability or safety. This is especially ...
- Opis izdelka ** Dosegajte brezhibno zmogljivost s strežniško železnico za 1U kratko podvozje ** v nenehno razvijajočem se svetu podatkovnih centrov in strežniških instalacij, učinkovitost in zanesljivost sta najpomembnejša. Enter the Server Rail Linear Friction Slide, a game-changing solution designed specifically for 1U short chassis installations. With its high load-bearing capacity and silky-smooth operation, this innovative product will redefine your server management experience. Imagine a server rail that not...
Nov zadnji ventilator za zadnji radiator, primeren za podvozje GPU Workstation Server
Product Description **FAQ: New Spot Rear Radiator Fan for GPU Workstation Server Chassis** 1. **What is the purpose of the new stock rear radiator fans for GPU workstation server chassis? ** Novi zadnji ventilator za zadnji radiator je zasnovan za izboljšanje učinkovitosti hlajenja podvozja GPU Workstation Server. By promoting airflow and heat dissipation, it helps maintain the optimal operating temperature of high-performance components, thus ensuring system stability and lifespan. 2. ** Kaj so ... -
Modularno omrežno shranjevanje vročega strežnika 4-bay NAS
Product Description The NAS4 chassis is a NAS chassis with 4 hard drives for mini hot-swappable servers, with a height of 190MM and made of high-quality SGCC+ brushed aluminum panels. En 12015 Tihi ventilator, podpira štiri 3,5-palčne trde diske ali štiri 2,5-palčne trde diske, podpira Flex napajanje, majhno napajanje 1U. Product Specification Model NAS-4 Product name NAS Server Chassis Product weight net weight 3.85KG, gross weight 4.4KG Case Material High-quality flowerless galv... - Product Description Made in Dongguan: The most cost-effective handheld mini ITX PC case Are you in the market for a new computer case for your rig? Ne iščite več. Izdelana v Dongguanu, znani blagovni znamki v elektronski industriji, ponuja velike popuste na svoj mini ohišje velikosti dlani. Če iščete kompaktno, a močno rešitev, je ta članek za vas. Made in Dongguan is known for its high-quality electronics, and their mini itx chassis are no exception. These cases are exp...